Sunday, November 28, 2010
new club penguin wallpaper!
yep that's the new club penguin newspaper its awesome! isn't it? its probably the best club penguin wallpaper yet! anyways bye until the next post!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
psa missions page coming soon!
yes the psa missions page is coming soon so you can get help for doing psa missions! i'm working hard on it so maybe you will like it but no pictures just words and read carefully well um bye until the next post!
Friday, November 26, 2010
new field ops!
today a new field ops came out first off all to do it go to the command room second check the field ops computer third go to the vr room which is up the tube transport foruth go to the spot where there is lots of penguins fifth your spy phone will be ringing this means you found the location sixth complete the game. then you are done with the field ops! ps i thought this weeks field ops would never come.
questions about me
okay here are some questions that some people want to know. am i a moderator?: no i am not eighteen or over eighteen. what would i do if club penguin wasn't there: i would do nothing or not. how old am i?: i can't give out that information but like it you can guess any age under eighteen because i am under eighteen. do i like club penguin?: yes that's why i made this blog.when did i join club penguin?: some day in august. am i a elite penguin force agent in club penguin?: yes if wasn't i wouldn't have posted field ops cheats. do i have a computer?: now don't get it on me and of course i have a computer! which state in the united states a live in?:cailfornia. do i like blogging?: yes another reason i made this blog. is this post done yet?: yes bye until the next post!
my thanksgiving party over and party review!
yep it is but it wasn't like a thanksgiving party because the first thing i did is ask people their favorite food second made a line the the dojo third played regular card jitsu with someone but couldn't because it wasn't loading then the party did went quick so i call it a quickee party! bye until the next post!
thanksgiving party
yes there"s going to be a thanksgiving party today here is what time its going to be at 9:00 to 9:30 or if i can still play we might party more than 9:30 for austraila we will have a another party for aussies to attend right now this is for people that live in united states which server:blizzard note there is a glitch in blizzard but i will post that in another post anyways bye until the next post wait! which day today! now bye until the next post! update the server has now moved to mountain
Thursday, November 25, 2010
new stamps!
yep there are new stamps today! the new stamps are for all three card jitsu games card jitsu, card jitsu fire, and card jitsu water! i like these new stamps Ps: in the past i never thought these stamps would come out but now it did! ps heres a picture of a card its on the top. yep i know its not good i drew it i draw pictures for the pictures anyways bye until the next post!
card jitsu water comes out!
yep card jitsu water is out! and yes card jitsu water is members only i maybe should be a member soon shouldnt i? anyways you can play card jitsu water in the water dojo to get in the water dojo make sure you are a ninja 2nd go to dojo corutyard 3rd go to the ninja hideout 4th go to the water dojo 5th you are now there you can talk to sensei under a sign that says card jitsu water and begin your water journey lol. well good bye until the next post!
what club penguin book i have contest???
hello there! okay i have a club penguin book i cant tell which one but when this contest is over i will tell you all guesses must be entered before december 1 2010 the winners will be posted when the contest is over!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
my profile picture!
fillany i put my profile picture! my profile picture is this... i just drew a picture of it because i dont usally use my camera so from now on if i want a picture in one of my posts ill draw it okay bye until the next post!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
new newspaper out!
yes it deliverd in friday in two o clock in penguin standred time i kind of like the new newspaper kind of cool even mimo777 likes it! its a nice two page newspaper and it even looks like a newspaper! i did send a question so if it gets on the second issue of this new look i will post that on this blog! anyways bye until the next post!
club penguin fisheater145cheats cpfc for short is now having moderators!
yes you can become a moderator for this blog all you have to do is send me a comment saying that you want to be one and the mods for this blog watches over it and if theres a glitch or something you think i have to post i can do it and then in every comment if you are a cpfc mod i the end of the comment put cpfc mod unless if you are not modding well see you at the next post!
sensei visting club penguin comment tracker
yes sensei is visting club penguin so this is a comment tracker that will help you find sensei fast like mimo777 comment tracker heres how it works first if you know where sensei is leave a comment and in comment tell where is sensei if you want to know where sensei is its simple check the comments of this post and thats the rules bye until the next post!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
not raining in cp anymore?!?!?!
yep its not raining in club penguin anymore except in some outside rooms theres still puddles! and its time for card jitsu water but ii heard that card jitsu water will only be for members i wish i could be a member anyways goodbye until the next post!
new filed op!
todays theres a new filed op first your spy phone will be virebrating second see the field op computer and accept field op third go to everyday phoning facility foruth go near the telephone fifth do the puzzle thats all!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
new newspaper coming on november 19
as you heard theres a new kind of club penguin newspaper coming and this post will tell you what its going to be like first the newspaper will be printed on long paper so it wont need that many pages second it going to have a news flash third the newspaper is going to be deliverd on fridays from november 19. well thats it.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
raining on club penguin!
yep its raining on club penguin the first rainstorm in cp and if you go in the ninja hideout you can see something cool and i knew a rainstorm was coming and the new newspaper design is coming in november 19! and yes there is a new newspaper out at wensday? i dont know why?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
comm epf gear new epf gear!
as you know in the field ops post i told you that there was new epf gear and it is called comm probaly there might be a new mission and the comm epf gear is cool to me. what do you think of it?
Monday, November 8, 2010
field ops 22 cheats
today a new field ops had realsed to begin to to the epf command room and click on the field ops computer and accept the field ops then go to the hidden lake then go to a barrel go to any if you dont know and if thats wrong go to another barrel until you find the right one then in the game follow the insturctions to beat the game then of coruse you earn a epf medal and theres new epf gear!
Friday, November 5, 2010
another new club penguin log in screen page
the new log in screen is usally talking about stamps and what i know of it its kind of says stamps are everywhere i dont know what it says tough anyway hope you are going to see the new log in screen when you log in the next time!
membership page updated!
if you go to the membership page yes its updated in some line of it said discover the mysteries and myths of being a ninja! and in the fourth line its says protect the island and earn the lastest secret agent gear! looks like herbert and klutzy has to watch out for epf agents now! thats all im going to say these are just my favriote parts of this thing you can read more in the new membership page and i heard the cp newspaper is having a first look and the cp newspaper is going to be a new design!
new pin hidden in club penguin! update
i made a mistake in the last post of this so this is the update. theres a new pin hidden in club penguin its the water tap pin its in the beach on a rock some rock dont ask me which rock though and then you have the newest pin in club penguin!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
new club penguin newspaper!
today is always the day that a new club penguin newspaper comes out! so the new club penguin newspaper is out i dont know about this weeks newspaper.
new pin hidden in club penguin!
fillany there is a new pin hidden in club penguin! and we have the cheats for you to get that pin! its at cove when you get to cove go to a rock where a water tap is there then you got the new pin! you now have the newest pin in club penguin! this pin might be a sign about card jitsu water!
new club penguin catalog at gift shop!
yes today theres a new club penguin catalog at the gift shop there are also hidden items in the catalog put your mouse everywhere and click everywhere there might be a hidden item and one hidden item is the 3d glasses note for 3d glasses they dont make you see in 3d though i wish they did though
new club penguin log in background!
today there is a new club penguin log in background! its probaly a ninja one i think it has something to do with card jitsu water note card jitsu water will come soon
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
fisheater145 tracker update
this is a update to find me fisheater145 the famous non member yes i am a non member 1st i wear spy goggles i also wear epf earpiece i also wear black belt my penguin color is black 2nd my favriote server is fjord i go on there most times but remember not all the times 3rd i can be seen in any room so look everywhere 4th i only dont go on fjord if not that many penguins are there 5th if theres a crowd i might go to a differnt room so dont crowd me 6th if you are a fan of me i might add you well thats how you can find me! bye bye ill be back in the next post!
tour guides surprise!
if you log in today and if you are a tour guide you get 250 coins for giving tours! i cant wait for next month for more coins!
field ops
okay we have the cheats for this weeks field ops! okay 1st go to epf command room 2nd see the field ops computer accpet the field ops in order to do it 3rd go to the epf map if you dont know where it is lots of penguins will be standing there 4th your spy phone will ring you get to play a game thats kind of hard but it is possilbe 5th when you complete the field ops you will get a epf meald then if your a member you can buy epf gear if your a non member like me you can buy the epf earpiece and enjoy earning stamps hope are cheats helped!
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